Madame courage
Original title: Madame courage
Director: Merzak Allouache
Screenplay: Merzak Allouache
Genre: Feature
Casting: Adlane Djemil, Lamia Bezouaoui, Leïla Tilmatine, Abdellatif Benahmed, Mohamed Takerret...
Duration: 89 minutes
Year of production: 2015
Synopsis: Omar, an unstable and lonely teenager, lives in a slum in the suburbs of Mostaganem. He is addicted to a famous psychotropic, nicknamed 'Madame Courage:' Artane tablets, very popular among young Algerians, for their euphoric effect of invincibility. Omar is a specialist in snatching. This morning, he goes downtown to commit his usual crimes. His first prey is a young girl called Selma, walking with her friends, prominently wearing a gold necklace. As he commits his larceny, their eyes meet.
Festivals and awards: Mostra di Venezia Orizzonti, Italy - Haïfa International Film Festival - BFI London Film Festival, UK - Hamburg International Film Festival, Germany - CINEFERTIL Festival Internacional de Cine Latino Arabe de Buenos Aires, Argentina - Festival Cinema Africano di Verona, Italy - Thessaloniki International Film Festival, Greece - Malatya International Film Festival, Turkey - Stockholm International Film Festival, Sweden - Cairo International Film Festival, Egypt - Rotterdam Arab Camera Festival, Netherlands - Tallinn International Film Festival, Estonia - Journées Cinématographiques de Carthage, Tunisia - Festival d’Annaba du Film Méditerranéen, Algeria - Festival du Film Méditerranéen de Bruxelles, Belgium - Dubai International Film Festival - New African Film Festival, D.C. area, USA - Luxor African Film Festival, Egypt - FEBIOFEST Prague International Film Festival, Czech Republic - Festival del Cinema Africano, d'Asia e America Latina di Milano, Italy - FIFOG Festival International du Film Oriental de Genève, Switzerland - Oslo Arab Film Days, Norway - Festival Vues d’Afrique de Montréal, Canada - Tehran Fajr International Film Festival, Iran - Festival International de Cinéma de La Mémoire Commune de Nador, Tunisia - Jeonju International Film Festival, South Korea - ARAFF Arab Film Festival, Busan-Seoul, South Korea - FCAT Festival de Cine Africano, Tarifa-Tanger, Spain - Neue Filme aus Afrika, Köln, Germany...